A Vision Therapy Clinic for

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Comprehensive Vision Examination

A routine general eye examination in our office takes approximately 30 minutes.

This period of time is needed to perform all the tests necessary to thoroughly assess your eyes and visual efficiency.

During your examination a health history will be taken. It is important for you to provide all information, regardless of how insignificant you might think it is.

Tests related to the following are all part of a complete examination:

  •  Eye health
  •  General physical health
  •  Clarity of vision and eye structure (Myopia, Hyperopia, Astigmatism)
  •  Colour vision
  •  Diabetic retinopathy
  •  Eye muscle flexibility
  •  Amblyopia (lazy eye)
  •  Macula degeneration
  •  Glaucoma
  •  Cataracts

and other areas as appropriate for each individual.

Following the examination, we will carefully explain the results of your testing and discuss our recommendations regarding any needed preventive or remedial care.